The Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management has the honor to invite students of your university to participate in the Open International Internet Olympiad on Macroeconomics among students of higher educational institutions, which will be held in April 12, 2024. We are confident that this Olympiad will contribute to our common mission to strengthen friendly relations between students and teachers of higher educational institutions, as well as provide an opportunity for the exchange of mutually beneficial scientific and practical knowledge and experience.
The official languages of the Olympiad are Turkmen, Russian and English.
The Olympiad will be held in the form of individual competitions among students.
No more than 4 (four) students from each higher educational institution can take part in the Olympiad.
The winners of the Olympiad are determined by the results of the points scored.
Additional information and announcements related to the Olympiad will be posted on the institute's website https://tsiem.edu.tm/ .
Information about the participants of the Olympiad, in accordance with Appendix 1, should be sent by e-mail tsiem.olymp@gmail.com or charysha@gmail.com until March 25, 2024.
Contact details:
Phone: +993 12 48 62 87, +993 65 80 45 36
e-mail: tsiem.olymp@gmail.com, charysha@gmail.com
Organizing Committee of the Olympiad TSIEM